Programmes 2023/24

3BS9 - BSc Undenominated Science: Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics modules

Please note that these timetables do not necessarily show all of the module activities. Students should refer to the module Blackboard page or the lecturer for more detailed information on tutorials and practicals.

Timetable 2023/24, Semester 1.

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
MA385 Numerical Analysis I [AC201]
Dr Michael Welby
MP345 Mathematical Methods I [Larmor]
Dr Bharat Tripathi
MP231 Mathematical Methods I [HBB-G019]
Dr Michael Mc Gettrick
ST413 Statistical Modelling [IT204]
Dr Davood Roshansangachin
MP305 Modelling I [AMB-1023 O'Tnuathail Theatre]
Prof. Michael Tuite
MP231 Mathematical Methods I [IT125]
Dr Michael Mc Gettrick
ST311 Applied Statistics I [ADB-G021]
Dr Emma Holian
CS3304 Logic [AMB-G005]
Dr Tobias Rossmann
MP494 Partial Differential Equations [AC201]
Dr Martin Meere
CT3535 Object Oriented Programming III [IT106]
Dr Owen Molloy
MA284 Discrete Mathematics [AMB-1022 Fottrell]
Dr Kevin Jennings
MA3101 Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry [AC202]
Dr Abolfazl Mohajer
MA335 Algebraic Structures [AC204]
Prof. Götz Pfeiffer
CS3304 Logic [AMB-1023]
Dr Tobias Rossmann
CT3535 Object Oriented Programming III [IT106]
Dr Owen Molloy
MA215 Mathematical Molecular Biology [AC203]
Dr Haixuan Yang
ST311 Applied Statistics I [ADB-G021]
Dr Emma Holian
MA3101 Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry [Larmor]
Dr Abolfazl Mohajer
MA335 Algebraic Structures [AC213]
Prof. Götz Pfeiffer
MA3343 Groups [AC202]
Dr James Cruickshank
MP236 Mechanics I [AC201]
Prof. Michel Destrade
MA313 Linear Algebra [AC214]
Dr Michael Hayes
MA3343 Groups [AC201]
Dr James Cruickshank
ST2003 Random Variables [AC202]
Dr Haixuan Yang
MA313 Linear Algebra [AC202]
Dr Michael Hayes
MA284 Discrete Mathematics [Anderson]
Dr Kevin Jennings
MP494 Partial Differential Equations [Tyndall]
Dr Martin Meere
ST2003 Random Variables [Larmor]
Dr Haixuan Yang
MA215 Mathematical Molecular Biology [AC213]
Dr Haixuan Yang
MP366 Electromagnetism [AC204]
Dr Martin Meere
MA3992 Actuarial mathematics Life contingencies 1, pricing and reserving [O'hEocha]
Dr Nina Snigireva
MP345 Mathematical Methods I [AC201]
Dr Bharat Tripathi
MA341 Metric Spaces [AC201]
Prof. Aisling McCluskey
MP236 Mechanics I [IT125]
Prof. Michel Destrade
MA3101 Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry [AC215 Tutorial]
Dr John Burns
ST413 Statistical Modelling [AC215]
Dr Davood Roshansangachin
CT3535 Object Oriented Programming III [IT125]
Dr Owen Molloy
MA385 Numerical Analysis I [AC201]
Dr Michael Welby
MA341 Metric Spaces [AC202]
Prof. Aisling McCluskey
MP366 Electromagnetism [AC203]
Dr Martin Meere
MA3992 Actuarial mathematics Life contingencies 1, pricing and reserving [Darcy Thompson]
Dr Nina Snigireva
CT3535 Object Oriented Programming III [IT125]
Dr Owen Molloy
MP305 Modelling I [Larmor]
Prof. Michael Tuite

Timetable 2023/24, Semester 2.

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
MA495 Actuarial Mathematics: Life Contingencies II [AC201]
Prof. Dónal O'Regan
MA418 Differential Equations with Financial Derivatives [IT125]
Prof. Dónal O'Regan
MP346 Mathematical Methods II [AMB-1023 Ó Tnuathail]
Dr Bharat Tripathi
CS319 Scientific Computing [ADB-G021]
Dr Niall Madden
MP232 Mathematical Methods II [Larmor]
Dr Wanis Nafo
MP232 Mathematical Methods II [AMB-1023 O'Tnuthail]
Dr Wanis Nafo
MP365 Fluid Mechanics [AC201 (Lecture Week 1-6 only, Tutorial Week 7-12))]
Dr Giuseppe Zurlo
MA418 Differential Equations with Financial Derivatives [Tyndall]
Prof. Dónal O'Regan
MA2111 Anailís* [ADB-1020]
Dr Fintan Hegarty
MA461 Probabilistic models for molecular biology [ADB-1020]
Prof. Cathal Seoighe
ST312 Applied Statistics II [ADB-G021]
Dr Pouyan Nejadi
MA378 Numerical Analysis II [AC213]
Dr Niall Madden
MA495 Actuarial Mathematics: Life Contingencies II [IT250]
Prof. Dónal O'Regan
MP237 Mechanics II [MRA201]
Dr Martin Meere
MP491 Nonlinear Systems [IT125G]
Dr Bharat Tripathi
MA2111 Anailís* [ADB-1020]
Dr Fintan Hegarty
MA283 Linear Algebra [Anderson]
Dr Rachel Quinlan
MA302 Complex Variables [IT204]
Dr Michael Hayes
MA342 Topology [McMunn]
Dr Tobias Rossmann
CS3101 Software for Mathematical Scientists and Educators [ADB-G021]
Dr Joshua Maglione
MP365 Fluid Mechanics [Larmor]
Dr Giuseppe Zurlo
MA302 Complex Variables [ADB1020]
Dr Michael Hayes
MA342 Topology [ENG-G018]
Dr Tobias Rossmann
MA334 Geometry [AMB-1023 ÓTnuathail]
Dr Ray Ryan
MA334 Geometry [AC203]
Dr Ray Ryan
ST2004 Statistical Inference [Tyndall]
Prof. Carl Scarrott
CS3101 Software for Mathematical Scientists and Educators [ADB-G021]
Dr Joshua Maglione
MA283 Linear Algebra [Anderson]
Dr Rachel Quinlan
MA378 Numerical Analysis II [AC204]
Dr Niall Madden
CS211 Programming and Operating Systems. [AC204]
Dr Michael Mc Gettrick
MA216 Mathematical Molecular Biology II [AC201]
Dr Haixuan Yang
MP346 Mathematical Methods II [MRA201]
Dr Bharat Tripathi
MP491 Nonlinear Systems [AMB-1023 Ó Tnuathail]
Dr Bharat Tripathi
MA216 Mathematical Molecular Biology II [IT202]
Dr Haixuan Yang
ST2004 Statistical Inference [IT250]
Prof. Carl Scarrott
MP307 Modelling II [Darcy Thompson]
Prof. Michael Tuite
MP365 Fluid Mechanics [AMB1022 (Week 7-12 only)]
Dr Giuseppe Zurlo
CS211 Programming and Operating Systems. [AC202]
Dr Michael Mc Gettrick
ST312 Applied Statistics II [ADB-G021]
Dr Pouyan Nejadi
MA461 Probabilistic models for molecular biology [ADB-1019]
Prof. Cathal Seoighe
CS319 Scientific Computing [ADB-G021]
Dr Niall Madden
MP307 Modelling II [IT125]
Prof. Michael Tuite
MP237 Mechanics II [McMunn]
Dr Martin Meere